Monday, January 12, 2009


Last night before bed, I began to flip through MURDER INK (as referenced below) and read a few bits of it. I'm an occasional mystery reader, but more of a tourist than a devotee. I come across neat stuff as it comes to me rather than my seeking it out, so reading a book by a fanatic for fanatics is really a bit of an eye opener.

The thing I want to discuss today is the Haycraft Queen Cornerstones. This is a list of works which stretches back over two hundred years dealing with "mysteries." It is not a complete list, but rather touches upon the main works within the genre (thus the name Cornerstones). Unfortunately I could find no formatting of the Cornerstones which matches the annotation found within Murder Ink, nor could I find something so simple as a collection of links from the authors and works to existing Wikipedia articles so that people unfamiliar with the list (people like myself) could find helpful notation on WHY the work is considered important.

However, I wanted to post the link to the list here. As the list ends in 1952, expect a particular bias with regards to the titles mentioned.

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