Friday, January 16, 2009

Interlude: Book Buying.

I am almost finished with Bug Jack Barron. I'll probably finish up the remaining 70 pages tonight.

Don't know what's next.

Thanks to Strand Books, I picked up two Ian M Banks books, Consider Phelbas and The Player of Games. Both in the Culture series of Science Fiction books. To my understanding it's not really a series but rather a Universe wherein the Author dips in and out of various worlds and the like. I honestly can't say as I've not read any of them, though I now have 5 of the books.

I also grabbed The Dark Descent, which is my absolute favorite horror anthology of all time and I will try to do a short write up of it. As it's over a thousand pages and I've read it to the point of disintegrating a copy, I don't think I'll be up to reading it for the 52/52 project. The anthologist, David G. Hartwell tries to break down horror into three aspects and then attempts to trace historical roots of these aspects by interposing modern and historical stories. I don't have the book in front of me to quote or define what those aspects are, so I will just link to the Google Books entry wherein you can read the excellent introduction yourself.

I've also picked up The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. This book had quite a bit of hype when it was released in September and it seems to be another author we Americans are only getting after he's died. Haven't read to much on it, but I do know that there's a film version coming from its home country of Sweden.

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