Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bug Jack Barron Continues

I'm about half way through this book and the other shoe, with regards to the plot, has dropped.

This book is excellent with the interplay between Jack and his various nemeses but it's really falling apart whenever Sara (the love of Jack's life) is involved in any way. The relationship she has with other characters and her internal monologue rings just absolutely false. The setting up her as the great motivator for Jack's various actions is similarly hollow as well.

It is driving me up the wall because she's becoming more important to the story.

The internal monologues are still holding up even when we shift from character to character without much warning. It's a technique of which I feared I'd get tired, but it's only laborious when it's Sara (oh how i love jack. how i would hate for anything bad to happen to him. oh what's that man doing? what has he gotten himself into? and on and on and on. Less a realized character.)

It's also kind of funny to see how much of the book's worldview falls apart with regards to race relations in light of the election of Obama (there's a speech by Luke, Jack's former co-activist partner, where in he says that there will never be a president who isn't white and is angered by Jack's casual statement that Luke run for president).

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