Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Book: Throat Sprockets

I've been reading Tim Lucas's magazine Video Watchdog for over a decade now. Looking at their back issues online, I think it was issue 51, the May/June 1999 issue with 2001's Keir Dulla on the cover.

It was around that time that I was really getting into DVD and I was looking for reviews of films I should watch. Video Watchdog with it's coverage of "fantastic films" seemed to be exactly what I needed as it covered every genre imaginable. Each issue was an eduction in the obscure and the obscurities of the obscure with intelligence, clarity and most importantly passion.

When I was not able to reliably find issues on the stands anymore, I started a subscription, which aside from a brief bout with unemployment, I've kept fairly regularly.

One of the effects of having followed one man and one woman's passion for so long, you begin to be granted glimpses into their life. One of the things I learned was of a novel Tim Lucas wrote called Throat Sprockets, which started out in comic anthology Taboo (a book I would have loved to have read when it was coming out, but was always too expensive or too hard to find in those pre-internet days).

The book deals with an advertiser who sees an obscure erotic film and becomes obsessed with it.

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