Monday, February 23, 2009

New Book: The Terror

I've been fan of Dan Simmons since I read Children of the Night back in the early 90s. I enjoyed the blend of fact and fiction to try to present a new take on the Vlad Tepes history, a discussion of Romania after the collapse of Communism and got to learn all kinds of new and exciting blood terminology.

I've gone on to read some of his other famous works like Carrion Comfort, Song of Kali, and Lovedeath. He is also famously known for Hyperion and and Ilium, which I haven't read, because I tend to avoid pastiches without having read the original source material.

The Terror is the story of the failed Franklin expedition to find the North West Passage in the 1840s. The story is told through the eyes of many different characters, from mutinous malcontents, to ships officers, to marines. Each of our "Main" characters have expansive backstory. The character we spend the most amount of time with (so far) is Captain Crozier of the sister ship The Terror with a wonderful blending of factual detail, fictional detail and plot to propell the story forward.

I'm about 700 pages in out of 1000 and the story is wrapping up nicely. I've heard that the book dissolves at the end, but so far, this is quite enjoyable.

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