Thursday, February 26, 2009

Book 11: The Terror

Finally finished this last night. It took far longer than I anticipated. It was a quick read and when I was able to find time to actually devote to it, I would be able to knock out fifty pages or so in a sitting.

The dilemma was that I was rarely able to find that time beyond my commute and right before falling asleep.

There's really not a lot I can say about this book. There's so much there, but it seems to be written as though much of it is inconsequential. The various deaths of good men, of bad men and the like.

What I really, REALLY enjoyed was the final 60 pages where the book veers wildly in tone to present the cosmology and world creation myth of the Eskimo. It was these folklore and epic bits which really tied everything together to present an excellent ending which while unexpected fit in perfectly with what had come before. The final mystery of The Lady Silence, the Eskimo woman they had picked up on the ice was handled perfectly well.

I feel quite remiss in not having read more of his works and want to add Dan Simmons's newest, Drood, to the pile.

But not yet.

Not yet.

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