Talk of the Nation, January 30, 2009 · BANG! POW! PHOSPHORYLATION! The Stuff of Life is a new genetic biology primer with a twist — it takes the form of a graphic novel. Author Mark Schultz explains how he turned everything from cytokinesis to parthenogenesis into comic strips.
God, even now? Bang! Pow!?
Must the mainstream press continue to reduce everything about comics to the level of goddamn 1960's Batman? Are we reduced to seeing the same headlining rhetoric that was rolled out for Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns over twenty years ago? And then each time comics became "noteworthy"?
It's not even superhero comics you're doing this for, but a primer. Would you do this for Maus? BANG POW! Nazi Cat vs Jew Mouse!
Fun Home? BANG POW! Lesbian Daughter vs Closeted Father and Ennui!
Acme Novelty Library? BANG POW! Chris Ware vs Your Ability to Read Small Print Without Your Special Reading Glasses.
Hasn't the past DECADE of successful mainstreaming of "art"comics and action packed superhero blockbusters given you a new language with which to address this woefully misunderstood genre?
DIE, MEDIA, DIE! You don't belong in this world!
yeah, we could definitely take this on the road.